
20ο Συνέδρειο ΠΑΝΔΟΙΚΟ

ΕΙΣΗΓΗΣΗ VICTOR HPI Presentation IO and SD_light version - V

Sustainable Development
Initiatives of International Organizations:
Example of Heifer International

Viktor Teres, PhD, MBA,
President of the International Charitable Foundation “Heifer Project International“, Ukraine

Plan of Presentation
•    Overview: role of International Organisations (IOs) in promoting Sustainable Development (SD) 
•    Heifer Ukraine at a glance
•    Heifer International at a glance
•    Carpathian region: challenges, opportunities of SD
•    Carpathian convention as a platform for SD in the region
•    HPI projects in Carpathian region
•    EU INTERREG IIIB CADSES Carpathian Project
•    Our partners: IOs, management authorities
•    What’s next: further opportunities/ needs to facilitate SD in Carpathians
Overview: Role of IOs as Agents of Sustainable Development

Heifer Project International in Ukraine
    Programme has been working in Ukraine since 1994
    Registered as an International Charitable Foundation “Heifer Project International” (ICF “HPI”) in 2000
    Key objective in Ukraine: assisting rural communities, small businesses in rural area, farmers and their associations to raise the life standards and achieve self-support
    Offices – Kyiv (11 employees), Lviv (4 employees); regional representatives in Crimea and Odessa
    50 projects since 2004.
Areas of Heifer work in Ukraine
Heifer International in the world
Heifer International – international charitable foundation, with a mission to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth.
    Founded in 1944 in USA, Little Rock
    Works in more than 50 countries
    Supported over 10 mln. families  
    See more at: www.heifer.org
Sustainability and Heifer International Headquarters
Green Facts
•    Water is collected on roof in 25,000-gallon water tower, where it is cleaned by a natural filtration system;
•    As water moves around the building, it is filtered by native indigenous plants that remove impurities;
•    The building is crafted to maximize sunlight, with an east-to-west, narrow, curved design.
•    Brownfield recovery of the site before construction
•    Recycled ecologically friendly construction materials;
•    Recycling
Heifer International’s SD efforts in the field
•    Soil Conservation (incl. vermiculture)
•    Water Conservation
•    Agro-biodiversity
•    Agroforestry
•    Indigenous Breeds of Livestock
•    Zero-grazing
Heifer International SD Projects in Mountain Areas
Example: Project for the Sustainable Development of the High Mountains’ Biodiversity, Peru
Project components include management and use of biodiversity conservation & the promotion of agroecology, incl.
–    incorporation of manure;
–    compost and humus;
–    crop rotation for the control of pests;
–    crop diversification on the family premises for greater food options;
–    reforestation of slopes and agroforestry with native plants;
–    use of medicinal plants for pest control and diseases;
–    recovery of native forages;
–    Improved cookstoves.
Carpathian Region
•    Europe’s largest mountain range!
•    Living environment for up to 18 million people!
•    Europe’s greatest reserve of pristine forest, refuge for brown bears, wolves, bison, lynx, eagles and some 200 unique plant species found nowhere else in the world
•    Continent’s cleanest streams and drinking water supplies
•    Unique natural, historical  and cultural heritage
•    Heaven for wildlife and ecological networks within Europe
SD principles in historical traditions of Carpathians
•    Ethnic diversity corresponding to landscape diversity (7 major ethnic  groups and more than six principal religious groups);
•    Sustainable mountain shepherding;
•    Good forest management practices (till XIX cent.);
•    Caring about  wildlife and farm animals as seen in traditions, mythology;
•    Nature-related arts and crafts –environmentally friendly philosophy and life cycle.  
SD principles in Hutsul culture
Where: Southeastern Carpathians (Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsy regions, Rakhiv district of Zakarpattia region)
-    Construction: disconnectedness of farmsteads, unique close-circuit household complexes; low waste production;
-    Traditional animal breeds;
-    Folk arts/ crafts: carving, pyrography and encrustation, pottery, decorative weaving, carpet weaving etc.;
- Respect to nature in traditions and habits;
- Nature is personified, has deep impact on mythology.
Regional Challenges
•    Rural mountain areas are facing new threats posed by globalization processes
•    Negative demographic trends (aging population, low birth rates, abandonment of mountain regions - alarming migration rates)
•    Low level of local and foreign investment and technological upgrade
•    Low competitiveness of local produce
•    Lower income in agriculture in comparison with the rest of the country
•    High unemployment rates
•    Problem of younger generations loosing the skills in traditional agriculture, crafts and other specialties
•    Threat of spreading of the big companies (logging, tourism) having no traditional relation to the land
•    Unsustainable water and forest management practices
Carpathian Convention
    Unique agreement addressing exclusively mountain ecosystems

•    Signed May 2003
•    Entry into force - 1 January 2006
•    Ratification by the Parliaments of all the Carpathian countries
•    COP1 - 11-13 December 2006, Kyiv, Ukraine
•    Carpathian Project promoted by the programme EU INTERREG IIIB CADSES
•    Partnerships: MoUs with the Alpine Convention, the Ramsar Convention and Central European Initiative (CEI), cooperative agreement with EURAC
Carpathian Convention
Carpathian Convention provides:
•    trans-national framework for cooperation and multi-sectoral policy coordination, including sustainable agriculture, rural development and forestry
•    platform for joint strategies and policies for sustainable development
•    forum for dialogue and permanent communication  between all stakeholders involved
Heifer-Ukraine’s projects in Carpathians
1. Support of rural communities projects - mainly dairy cattle husbandry (9 projects)
        Number of heifers -
Purchased:         283
Passed-on:        229   
Projects on dairy cattle breeding in Carpathian mountain areas

Heifer Ukraine’s Initiatives in
Rural Green Tourism
•      Revival of endangered breeds of farm animals in Hutsul Region            (2002 – 2008. Budget: $139,810 )
•      Agroecological Initiative: Revival of Hutsul Horse Breed in     Carpathians (2003 – 2008. Budget: $25,000 )
•      HPI / Carpathian Project 1  (2005 – 2009. Budget: $149,900 )

•    Within the framework of these projects, 49 mares and 3 breeding stallions of Hutsul breed, 20 saddles, 3 coaches, 53 heifers, 155 ewes, 120 bee packages as well as other equipment, seeds, ornamental saplings were provided for rural families.
•    Totally, 74 horses are provided, incl. pass-ons (about 15% of world population according to FAO)
•    All project participants are  trained in veterinary management, marketing etc.
•    Additionally, 18 heifers, 19 mares and 53 ewes were passed on as the gift to other families by project participants.
•    During year 2006, income from “Green tourism” activity in these projects reached $2,700.
•    2 ASCS are created and effectively operate.
Eurasia Foundation project
“Demonstration Model of Sustainable Development in Ukrainian Carpathians”
Budget:  $70,465 (Heifer-Ukraine: $43,050, Eurasia Foundation: $27,415)
•     Accommodation
Outputs of implemented project, which lasted only for 1 year (2004-2005):

                            Beginning         End         Difference
Operating agrohouseholds            38          59             21
Received visitors, inds.              1220        2250           1030
Households’ owners received additional income of $2,277 from providing accommodation for tourists.
•     Horse routes (horseback riding, trip by coach)
–    10 horse routes have been developed, manual on horse tourism “To Carpathians riding the horse” has been issued  (500 copies)
–    Income from tourism - $9,208 (2005)
Heifer Ukraine’s Initiatives in Rural Green Tourism (Carpathian project 2)
5 projects, incl.: 
•     Helping rural families in the Bukovyna region (2007 – 2012.      Budget: $196,566)
•     Carpathian Project  – Helping rural families in Turka raion, Lviv oblast (2007 – 2012. Budget: $121,540)
•     Promoting rural tourism development for people residing in     the area of “Skolivski Beskydy” National park (2007     – 2012. Budget: $77,408)

Outcomes: Rural families will receive 20 mares and 2 breeding stallions of Hutsul breed, 20 saddles, 1 cart, 60 heifers, 100 ewes and 7 rams, 50 bee packages, other equipment, seeds, ornamental saplings. All project participants undergo trainings in veterinary care, tourism marketing etc.
EU INTERREG IIIB CADSES Carpathian Project - “Protection and sustainable development
of the Carpathians in a transnational framework”

Carpathian project (2006-2008)
Carpathian project: Skills development

-     For tourism industry stakeholders – in Greece (20 people);
-     For members of households providing hospitality services;
Topics of trainings and consultations:
Rural tourism development; Arranging the rural tourist household;
Horse tourism; Sustainable use of natural recourses for rural tourism development; Community social development; Fundraising and applying for grants.

-     For local authorities and NGOs – in Yaremche, 2008 “Development of rural tourism”, “Marketing in rural tourism”
-     For prospective inspectors of the Rural Green Tourism Network who are expected to certify private households providing hospitality services
Carpathian Project
Partners of INTERREG IIIB CADSES Carpathian Project
•    UNEP Vienna ISCC
•    WWF DCP 
•    Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies
Our partners in Carpathian region, Ukraine
Regional governmental institutions, public administrations
•    Oblast (regional) state administrations in Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk,
•    Administrations of protected areas: National Nature Parks “Hutsulschyna”; “Skolivski Beskydy” Regional Landscape Park
Other work of Heifer-Ukraine contributing to sustainable use of natural resources
•    Trainings on Agroecology
•    Working together with the community of Trostianets village in Odesa region to improve the sanitary and environmental state of the local pond
•    Vermiculture/ biogas/ compost   components of current projects

Planned Projects of Heifer-Ukraine in Carpathians
•    Flood Rehabilitation project;
•    Payment of environmental services and other positive externalities (PESOPE) project under SARD-M cooperation;
•    European Mountain ABC Alpine experience-Balkan future-Carpathian opportunity project

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